VIMOS Customer Service Solution

Reply instantly with multi-person login | Increase efficiency with 24/7 customer service

Enable Smart Reply to handle repetitive enquiries anytime. Promote new offers with zero hassle. Use team management to assign conversations in real-time.

Why VIMOS your best Customer Service solution?

WhatsApp Autoreply

Multi-person login

WhatsApp Retargeting Broadcast

Let WhatsApp Autoreply
handle after-sales service instantly

Provide customer care instantly, reduce waiting time and retain loyal customers. 

Increase efficiency
with multi-person login

Break through customer service bottlenecks now, assign available staff members to take over conversations anytime. Let your team collaborate remotely with one inbox!

Automate WhatsApp Retargeting Broadcast in bulk

Automate WhatsApp Retargeting Broadcast in bulk, without saving a single number. 

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