VIMOS Solution for Education
A client operating an education center that primarily offers children’s interest classes struggled to retain loyal customers. They needed a new communication channel to build closer relationships with existing customers and encourage repeat visits from former clients
Automatically handle customer inquiries about lecture times and locations.
Broadcast online lecture promotion messages to potential customers with the press of a button
WhatsApp course registration forms guide customers through easy registration and payment.
From student/parent registration to subsequent promotions, VIMOS x WhatsApp supports every step of the process.
VIMOS' Interactive WhatsApp Messaging & Auto-Reply functions helps you provide detailed course information with instant responses to queries, and automated registration and payment links.
Dedicated WhatsApp Course Registration Website that guides customers through registration with a simple click.
VIMOS' Automated Notifications features helps send fee payment reminders, special announcements, and class reminders via WhatsApp.
Class Management - Student Relationship Management Records
Categorizes customers and creates tags for efficient management and targeted marketing
Use interest tags to automatically suggest students suitable courses.
Automatically assign conversations to designated staff/branches/tutors for immediate and professional support.
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