Effective Customer Management with WhatsApp Tagging

WhatsApp tagging

As your business grows, so does your list of WhatsApp contacts. But have you noticed that without effectively using WhatsApp tags, you might be losing a majority of potential customers?

In today’s digital age, understanding the needs and interests of customers has become crucial. Here, ‘customer tagging,’ especially WhatsApp tagging, has emerged as a widely-used marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll delve into how you can utilize WhatsApp tagging to accurately discern customer needs, thereby boosting your performance.

​​Extended Reading: VIMOS’s New Feature Release in August 2023: A Complete Analysis of WhatsApp Automation Process

What is WhatsApp Tagging?

WhatsApp tagging is a commercial feature that lets you add ‘customer tags’ to your chats with clients, categorizing customers with similar characteristics. 

Imagine having new clients, VIP clients, potential clients for Service A. By tagging these conversations appropriately, you can quickly locate a certain type of client without searching through numerous chats, allowing for immediate and relevant follow-up. 

In short, WhatsApp tagging acts like a ‘customer categorization tool,‘ helping you manage and organize customer conversations more effectively.

Why Use WhatsApp Tags for Customer Categorization?

Using WhatsApp tagging, businesses can better understand customer needs and buying behaviors:

[1] Establishing a CRM System:

With continuous interaction with WhatsApp clients, accumulating ‘customer tags’ forms a CRM system, gradually uncovering the true needs of customers and providing more personalized conversations.

[2] Improving Customer Service Efficiency:

With ‘customer tags,’ businesses can quickly find specific types of clients, enhancing business efficiency.

[3] Personalized Sales:

‘Customer tags’ help identify specific needs and preferences of clients, allowing for more personalized sales suggestions and solutions.

[4] Enhancing Team Collaboration:

When multiple employees interact with the same client, tags help them quickly understand the client’s background and needs, ensuring consistent, high-quality service.

[5] More Targeted WhatsApp Broadcasting:

‘Customer tags’ help identify customer needs and interests, enabling businesses to send targeted WhatsApp broadcast messages that clients are more likely to engage with.

Application Scenarios of WhatsApp Tagging

  • Customer Stage Management: Tag first-time inquirers as “New Clients,” those who have made purchases as “Purchased,” and those needing follow-up as “Pending Follow-Up.”
  • Product or Service Categorization: If your business offers various products or services, create a tag for each, like “Mobile Phones,” “Computers,” or “Repair Services.”
  • Customer Value Classification: For example, tag high-value clients as “VIP” and less valuable ones as “Standard.”

Differences Between Manual and Automatic WhatsApp Tagging

There are two main methods for tagging clients: manual and automatic. Let’s compare these two methods:

How VIMOS Upgrades Your Business Process?

VIMOS’s automated ‘auto-tagging’ feature is particularly suitable for SME entrepreneurs. It enables quick, accurate client categorization and tagging during extensive customer interactions. Additionally, auto-tagging requires no extra manpower and ensures objective operation, thus improving efficiency.

[1] Setting Trigger Questions:

First, choose the applicable chat channels for this rule, like WhatsApp API, Facebook Inbox, Instagram, etc. Then, set the specific chat status to trigger your preset automation process, including “Pending,” “In Process,” and “Completed” statuses.

[2] Setting Interactive Buttons:

In conversations with clients, you can easily set up interactive buttons. These buttons allow clients to easily choose items of interest, like product categories or service types. The system will automatically categorize the conversation based on these selections.

[3] Boosting Work Efficiency:

VIMOS WhatsApp API assigns conversations to suitable team members based on different trigger questions and button options. This means your team can respond more effectively, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.


In this highly digitalized era, effectively managing and tracking clients is not just a choice but a necessity. Using WhatsApp tagging not only helps you better understand and meet customer needs but also improves business efficiency and customer satisfaction. VIMOS‘s auto-tagging feature offers a simpler, quicker way to achieve this goal without additional manpower or time investment.

Read More: Kelly’s Education Case Study: Boost Sales by 60% with WhatsApp API

We invite you for a 15-minute free consultation with our professional WhatsApp marketing consultant to explore the application scenarios of WhatsApp auto-tagging and discover how VIMOS‘s powerful features can drive your business growth!